Wondering How To Keep Dogs Cool? At Paw & Co not only do we know how important it is to keep your furry friends happy, healthy and active we also know how uncomfortable and dangerous the heat can be. Our team has put together their ultimate guide of tips and tricks on exactly How To Keep Dogs Cool.

Yes, we know it’s tempting to get out and make the most of those hot, sunny days but this can carry risks for your Dogs. The perfect time to walk your Dog is when the ground is cooler; protecting their paws and providing a more comfortable walk for them – the optimum time for this is in the morning or evening.

If you’re not sure if the pavements are too hot, place the back of your hand on the ground for seven seconds. If you struggle to hold it down, you know it’s too hot to walk your Dog.

While it’s always important to ensure your Dog gets plenty of exercise, you will need to reduce this slightly during the warmer weather. Too much physical exertion can cause your Dog to quickly overheat and become dehydrated.

If you have children, remind them to keep energetic games to a minimum. Instead of energetic games, find ways to use up your Dog’s Mental and Physical energy which are less strenuous. For example, hide their toys or treats in a small area and let them sniff them out, or you could freeze their food or use frozen treats in toys. You could also use toys or treats to encourage your Dog to spend some time in a shaded area or paddling pool. 

Knowing How To Keep Dogs Cool in the warm weather means you can continue to enjoy playtime with your Puppy, Senior or Working Dog. At Paw & Co we have lots of delicious treats and toys available to suit whatever activities you choose.

Just like ourselves, Dogs can suffer from sunburn if they are not protected properly. Short or white hair breeds with pink ears are more at risk, so you need to be extra careful to shield these breeds from the sun’s rays.

Dog-Friendly Sun Cream can be purchased and should be applied to their most sensitive areas:

  • Nose
  • Lips
  • Tips of the Ears
  • Belly

Keeping them out of the sun during the hottest part of the day is essential.

You can speak to your local Vet about Dog-Friendly Sun Cream or pop down to Paw & Co! We know exactly How To Keep Dogs Cool and supply a vast range of products to keep your Dog protected all year round.

Make sure you keep your Home cool and comfortable by setting up a few fans in various rooms – this rule also applies if you take your Dog to the Office.

Not only will this prevent your Dog from becoming too hot, it will also give them a refreshing place to retreat to when they get too warm. Remember though to keep any oscillating fans and exposed cables out of paws reach to keep you and your Dog safe! You can also minimise the amount of heat that comes through your windows by keeping your Curtains or Blinds drawn throughout the day.

If your Dog loves to play out in the garden, it’s important to ensure they have lots of shaded areas where they can relax away from the sun. Shade created by trees allows air to circulate freely but be aware of how the sun moves throughout the day to ensure your Dog always has a shady spot to sit in.

Dogs acutally cool themselves down from the bottom up so it’s imperative that their paws and stomach don’t get too hot. A simple yet effective way to keep your Dog cool is to lay out damp towels or blankets; simply run the towel under a cold tap and wring out the excess. Remember to refresh it regularly to maintain the effect.

You could also invest in a cool-mat, these are a great way for keeping your dog cool and are readily available online.

Speak to the team at Paw & Co about How To Keep Dogs Cool. We have a variety of non-toxic cooling mats available which require no additional chilling or water. We also stock a range of cooling coats and bandanas for Dogs. 

Dogs need to drink plenty of water during warm weather to prevent dehydration. Providing lots of fresh, clean water is essential, whether at home, in the garden or out on walks.

There are lots of ways you can encourage your Dog to drink more, including playing with garden sprinklers, making pet ice lollies and flavouring their drinking water.

By visiting Paw & Co you can also invest in a travel water bowl or portable bottle to ensure they have something to drink while out and about. 

Grooming your Dog can help them regulate their temperature, particularly if they have long or thick fur.

As well as regular brushing to get rid of shedding fur, consider safely clipping it shorter to allow more air to cool the skin’s surface but never shave your Dog. Doing so can make them susceptible to sunburn.

By visiting Paw & Co you can also invest in a travel water bowl or portable bottle to ensure they have something to drink while out and about. 

How To Keep Dogs Cool is a question we are always happy to answer! Not only do we stock a wide range of Dog Grooming Supplies we can also point you in the right direction of local, recommended and qualified Dog Groomers.

We are Paw & Co, here for you and for them.